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Thursday Afternoon - Section B (30-Sep-21)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1296.0 66.07% Di Brooks - Florence Maltby (7)0.24
2248.0 55.36% Ann Shalders - Merle Proudfoot (8)0.17
3247.0 55.13% Jenni Strachan - Wendy Blakely (4)0.12
4222.0 49.55% Wendy Jenkin - Rusty Higgs (2)0.08
5207.0 46.21% Isobel Jones - Warwick Jones (6) 
6206.0 45.98% Roger Nichols - Janet Torrens (1) 
7194.0 43.30% Clarice Smith - Maureen Dansey (5) 
8172.0 38.39% Chris Martens - Robin Cross (3) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1314.0 70.09% Alan Cransberg - Kimberley Zhao (8)0.24
2258.0 57.59% Henry Waters - Roger Lowe (1)0.17
3243.0 54.24% Ivan Lewis - Elizabeth Blow (7)0.12
4213.0 47.54% Lynette Waters - Audrey Edwards (3)0.08
5200.0 44.64% Ian Watson - Bernard Shephard (2) 
6199.0 44.42% Pauline Baker - Phil Baker (6) 
7183.0 40.85% Joan Williams - Don Williams (5) 
8182.0 40.62% Lesley Sims - Leslie Cowcill (4) 

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