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Wednesday Supervised (4-May-22)- Handicap
Place Gross % Pair Names After Handicap
169.0 57.50%Lea Smith - Judy Dymond (4)57.93
262.0 51.67%Fred Hoetmer - Jenny Clark (1)51.57
353.0 44.17%PATRICIA VERMEULEN - Katherine Kirby (2)44.92
456.0 46.67%ULLA STENQVIST - JUDY TREMBATH (3)42.41
Place Result % Pair Name After Handicap
186.0 71.67%DENISE SAMPSON - Sandra Mingay (2)71.44
255.0 45.83%Lynette McCauley - Jane Emerton (4)48.36
355.0 45.83%Dudley Gaunt - Doe Hill (1)44.40
444.0 36.67%Teresa Bennett - Marie Crane (3)34.03
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