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Friday Afternoon - Section A (17-May-24)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1182.3 67.50% MERLE PROUDFOOT - BEVERLEY FORD (5)0.42
2160.9 59.58% SANDRA HARDIE - Steve Barretto (2)0.29
3156.4 57.92% PAT GAINES - NADA CLASTRES (4)0.21
4156.0 57.78% DOUG HARDMAN - BILL MALEY (10)0.14
5146.3 54.17% ANN SHALDERS - SHERYL COATES (1)0.11
7142.0 52.59% LYN CLARKE - BOB POWELL (6) 
8129.0 47.78% PAMELA GALE - ELIZABETH BLOW (9) 
9125.0 46.30% JUNE MULHOLLAND - JENNY MALEY (13) 
10120.4 44.58% HENNY ATTEMA - JENNI STRACHAN (8) 
1199.0 36.67% ROB BARRY - DIANA SCHUPP (3) 
1296.8 35.83% INE WOOD - BOB WOOD (11) 
1395.6 35.42% DENISE PASS - KEVIN PASS (12) 

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