Pair 11 - Lyn Trembath / Sue Turner
Place: 1, Percentage: 75.75%
Board No
vs Pr
Contract Lead Result
Matchpoints %
Board 3 1: Colin Gauder / Rosemary Lockey 2 W
6D 8 90 4 100% Board 4 1: Colin Gauder / Rosemary Lockey 2 S
4D 7 100 4 100% Board 7 10: Dawn Marshall / Glenis Eden 2NT W KD 9 150 6 100% Board 8 10: Dawn Marshall / Glenis Eden 4 N
6S 9 50 6 100% Board 9 12: Lesley Sims / Sandy Anderson 4 S
KC 11 450 6 100% Board 10 12: Lesley Sims / Sandy Anderson 3NT S 9C 11 660 6 100% Board 11 7: Pamela Holliday / Irene Keatley 3 E
3C 9 140 10 100% Board 12 7: Pamela Holliday / Irene Keatley 4 W
4C 12 480 10 100% Board 15 3: Chelle Jobson / Bill McCreadie 4 S
4C 9 -100 0 0% Board 16 3: Chelle Jobson / Bill McCreadie 3 S
6H 10 170 10 100% Board 17 9: Annie Gullan / Sharon Brown 4 W
9C 8 -100 0 0% Board 18 9: Annie Gullan / Sharon Brown 4 W
3S 12 480 8 80% Board 19 2: Catherine Vallet / Ine Wood 4 S
2D 8 -100 1 12% Board 20 2: Catherine Vallet / Ine Wood 3NT E 4C 7 200 8 100% Board 23 8: Lang Baker / Gunilla Baker 3 W
KD 10 -170 6 100% Board 24 8: Lang Baker / Gunilla Baker 3 N
AD 10 170 4 67%
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